One more year, the San Antonio City Council and the Buscastell Neighborhood Association organize the Festivals of Forada, an area full of rural charm that captures the most traditional essences of Ibiza.
The program starts the November 11 Saturday of 2023 with the Forada Bandage Country Festival, with traditional games, country dancing with sa Colla de Buscastell and paella at popular prices, and continues until December 23 from 2023, with the traditional Nadal and Bescuit Salsa contest.
The Big Day is the 8 December 2023 Friday and from 12 noon there will be mass, country dance, the family show 'I am the magician' in charge of and cover group concert I know this.
There are also other classic activities planned for these holidays such as the XNUMXth edition of the Mostra Folklòrica Arrels Vives, the Mamis & Papis Festival, the walk through es Broll, a guided excursion through Dalt Vil or the XNUMXth BTT Master Kids Forada.