The House Room party has announced that its next appointment to celebrate Carnival will be at Ibiza Club House of Petit Pereyra on Friday 9 of February 2018
After his brilliant tour of the STK Ibiza club in the last months of 2017, the party House Room move your location to ibizaClubhouse, the restaurant club Petit Pereyra in Talamanca, to offer you a big party of Carnival el Friday 9 of February 2018.
In charge of making you dance on this night when partying is impepinable, they will be the host and creator of the event, Iban Mendoza and the Italian Dj Idriss D.
Idriss D He was already displaying his personal style in the third session of House Room this winter, wasting charisma and quality and demonstrating why he is one of the great figures of the Italian electronic scene. For its part, little presentation needs Iban Mendoza on the island, where he is one of the most recognized artists, pure energy, freshness and quality from the cabin.
Prepare your costume and your desire to spend an amazing night enjoying aenvironment full of personality and dancing without stopping those innovative house rhythms that are the essence of this party.