The Cala de Bou Library organizes various free activities during the month of August 2019, check here the program
La Municipal library of Cala de Bou continues to organize activities also in summer. During the month of August de 2019 He proposes three interesting plans for adults, children and young people.
El Wednesday August 14 2019 de 18 to 20 hours welcomes a Calligrams Workshop with the writer Maria Vila, designed for adults and young people from 12 years. Vila has already given another series of similar workshops with great success in this space.
El Wednesday August 21 2019 at 18 hours there is a session of storyteller for children between 6 and 9 years and the “Rufus” Workshop.
El Tuesday August 27 2019 in time 18 to 20 hours there Children's Yoga Workshop with Iris Nahioa. It is intended for children from 3 years accompanied by an adult.
In principle and although the activities are Returns, you have to do pre-registration, since the places are limited.
If you want more information about all these activities you can contact the Library by phone +34 971 348 630.