La Vicent Serra i Orvay Library, in Sant Jordi, welcome this February 2024 different talks on philosophy, titled “Dialogues of practical philosophy”, coordinated and energized by the teacher Luis Orozco.
The first session is the Thursday February 15. This first appointment, in which we will talk about ““The fight against climate change and social injustice”, will have the presence of the environmental scientist and activist of the Scientific Rebellion, Nate Rugh.
In the second session, which will take place on Wednesday February 21, will Alex Pitaluga -history teacher and deputy of the Balearic Parliament- and Juanjo Ferrer -senator of Eivissa and Formentera- those invited to this talk, which will discuss “Human rights and international legality: past, present and future”.
In the last session of the next Thursday February 29 they will be again Alex Pitaluga y Juanjo Ferrer to address the issue of “Real democracy: a utopia? a necessity? an illusion?”
All sessions are Returns y They will start at 17:30 p.m..
In addition to these philosophical dialogues, the Vicent Serra i Orvay Library will also offer story telling and workshops workshops, where the little ones can learn enjoying through reading, writing or drawing.
To attend and participate in all activities it is essential do pre-registration writing to or by calling + 34 971 30 86 88.