The Fiestas de Forada 2015 are held from Saturday, November 14 to Wednesday, December 23 with a lot of activities, sports, folklore ...
The Festivals of Forada they collect the spirit of Ibiza more rural and authentic, Because this small area located in the municipality of San Antonio, in the interior of the island, is one of the most attached to traditions such as Oil Festival with which Inaugurates Saturday 14 of November your 2015 Fiesta programming.
El Big day of the Fiestas de Forada is the Tuesday December 8, in which a solemn mass, popular chocolate, the play "Peluts i Pelats" by the Grup de Teatre des Cubells and musical performances and dance is scheduled. The events of the Fiestas de Forada continue Until Wednesday 23 of December with sports and folkloric activities, contests, children's party with Cachirulo, day of slaughter, popular torrada ...