The Fiestas de Santa Eulalia 2018 bring everything: concerts, sports, activities, culture and the celebration of the 450 anniversary of Puig de Missa
The Festivities of Santa Eulalia 2018! The village of the river organizes an extensive program of activities this year that includes, among many other things, various events for the celebration of the 450 anniversary of the church of Puig de Missa. For example, there will be a quick painting contest enjoying the wonderful panorama offered by Puig de Missa. There will also be concerts in the church and various liturgical ceremonies, peasant dance, procession ...
The Fiestas start the Saturday 3 of February 2018 with a Optimist Trophy (dinghy) and continue until the Sunday 18 March 2018, date on which the traditional race will take place "From Passeig to Passeig".
Music is one of the great protagonists of this year's programming, with a concert by the Valencian group Social Security on Saturday 10 of February 2018 as one of the main events. There will also be a new Rock'n'Bars and concerts of other groups like Bluesmàfia i es Saligardos, presenting his new album "Ni poc, ni molt, ni mica", The Frigolos...
In addition, classes of swing, Craft Fair, conferences a photographic gymkhana, gastronomic activities such as Fira des Gerret, various assemblies of Theater for children and adults…and much more!
As you know, the Big Day is the Monday 12 February 2018. Don't miss anything and check out the Festival Program of Santa Eulalia 2018