From Monday 23 to Friday 27 of November are celebrated the XXX Days of Archeology Pheniciopúnica in the Museum of Puig des Molins of Ibiza.
El Archaeological Museum of Puig des Molins in Ibiza Welcomes the XXX Days of Pheniciopunic Archeology, a series of interesting talks and conferences which will take place Monday 23 to Friday 27 from November to 20 hours in the Museum Conference Room.
Admission is free, and attendance is recognized with 1 free UIB credit.
Monday, 23 of November, at 20h
Religious background of the Phoenician worldview
José L. Escacena Carrasco
Sevilla University
Tuesday, November 24, at 20h
What was before ... and after the Phoenician colonization? Astronomy and culture in the Mediterranean: results of the project "Orientatio at Sidera"
Juan Antonio Belmonte Avilés
Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands
University of La Laguna
Wednesday, 25 of November, at 20h
Phoenicians, Punics and indigenous people: Temples and astronomy in the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa during the protohistory
César Esteban López
Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands
University of La Laguna
Thursday, November 26, at 20h
L'orientamento dei templi fenici e punici in Sardegna
Mauro P. Zedda
University of Sassari
Friday, 27 of November, at 20h
The Punic sanctuaries of Ibiza and the hypogeos of the western Mediterranean
A. César González García
Institute of Heritage Sciences