the artistic foundation ses12naus organize an interesting Artist talk with Danish artists Nina Beer (1975) and Simon Dybbroe Møller (1976), who have carried out an artistic residence on the island between April and July of this 2023.
Both are preparingprotein“, a collaborative site-specific exhibition for La Carpintería, the Ses12Naus exhibition space and, a week before its inauguration, they will hold a open conversation with the project commissioner, Elise Lammer.
Beier and Dybbroe Møller are two artists internationally recognized for the rigor of their work and their innovative approach, and have exhibited their work in some of the world's leading art centers. In the talk they will share with the public some of their artistic approaches.
The talk is the Friday 14 2023 July at 13 hours on a farm in the interior of the island.
Attendance is Delivery to Italy takes one or two business days, but if you are interested in attending, you have to contact the organizers at to show you the location.