La Library municipal district of Ibiza located in the cultural center of Can Ventosa welcomes a exhibition of Christmas stories and characters for childrenWithin the Christmas Party 2020 program of the Ibiza Town Hall.
The sample, which is located in the Caganius room, has classic Christmas titles and other stories related to values, winter, cold, snow, caganers or chestnut trees.
Next to a tree with pendants that simulate clouds and snowflakes, stories with holograms such as "Un Nadal atrafegat" are exhibited, with fabric flaps such as "Where is Santa Claus?", With pop-ups such as "The secrets of Santa Claus ”and many others such as“ La carta als Reis ”,“ Es Nadal ”,“ En Banyeta i el caganer ”,“ L'Auró, el Saule i l'arbre de Nadal ”or“ Els Reis Mags i els dolents dels contes ”.
The exhibition can be visited from the December 4 from 2020 to January 5 from 2021. Also, children who want to can take a book to read at home.
El 4, 11 and 18 December 2020 there will be virtual storytellers with Iolanda Bonet, Nieves Montero, Meritxell Rius, Milagros Pierna and Emma Segura.
Besides of December 10 to 18, 2020 the Municipal Library will book recommendations through their social networks.
The opening hours of the Municipal Library of Ibiza is Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 20:30 p.m., Friday from 8 to 20 hours and Saturdays 10 to 13: 30 hours. On Sundays it is closed.