The Can Portmany cultural center in San Rafael hosts an exhibition by Mauro García Socuéllamos, from the 4 to the 14 of July 2019
The cultural center and exhibition hall Dog Portmany, located in San Rafael, it brings you “Inherent Nuances”, a new exhibition of painting, this time starring the works of Mauro García Socuéllamos.
The painter born in Cuenca and settled in Ibiza follows a style in his paintings in which an abstract expressionist line predominates, although sometimes he also delves into the figurative. The exhibition has the collaboration of the artistic association Love, of which Socuéllamos is a member.
The exhibition opens on 4 July 2019 Thursday at 20 hours.
You can visit the show during opening hours 18 to 21 hours until Sunday 14 of July of 2019.
Admission is free and Sundays is closed.