Atzaró Agrotourism Hotel Ibiza goes on a trip to Africa with the exhibition 'Water & Dust', with photographs of Caroline Gibello, which is a small presentation of the group's latest project: Atzaro Okavango.
In this luxury safari lodge located in the heart of Botswana, which is in full harmony with nature and wildlife, immersed in a place in the savannah of incomparable beauty, between the watercourses and the lagoons of the Okavango Delta in Botswana. The establishment will open its doors in the 2024 spring to offer unique and exclusive safari experiences.
The photographer Caroline Gibello it has already amazed us with its evocative images in Atzaró Agroturismo Hotel Ibiza this year. Founder of the art gallery chain Gibello Gallery in Cape Town, South Africa, this artist and explorer feels a deep love for the natural world and for Africa, which reflects in his beautiful photographs.
La inauguration of “Water & Dust” is the Sunday 23 of July of 2023 at 20.00 hours. It will be a beautiful meeting between friends that you can take advantage of to get closer to dine under the stars to the agrotourism or to take a drink in this magical setting.
You can Reserve contacting in +34 971 33 88 38 or writing to
The exhibition can be visited every day until 21th August 2023.