The exhibition hall Can Curt, located in the village of Saint Augustine, Presents "Origin", an exhibition in which you can enjoy the works of the painter Miguel Angel Garcia Lopez.
Born in Palma de Mallorca but raised in Ibiza, Miguel Ángel García López was surrounded by artistic influences in his family since childhood and has carved out an interesting pictorial career with many individual and collective exhibitions in the Balearic Islands, Spain and other countries. Like Italy or China.
In 1999 he was a finalist in the Art Jove contest of the Balearic Government, which launched his artistic career. He is also a collaborator of the Association of Friends of Art of the Balearic Islands "Art amb B" and has been a finalist and awarded in several national and international painting competitions.
"Origin" opens on 13 July 2023 Thursday at 20 hours.
You can visit the sample until the 30 of July of 2023 Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday in time 19 to 21: 30 hours.
Free entrance.