The Department of Culture of the Consell de Ibiza has opened the deadline for the presentation of student aid applications For the course 2021-2022, for which it will allocate 700.000 euros, 100.000 euros more than last year.
This year they are planned two help lines.
-Line 1: Student aid of the island of Ibiza, course 2021-2022.
Modality A: Aid to students who attend these official studies, face-to-face or semi-face-to-face, outside the island of Ibiza:
- Grade at any university in the EU-27.
- Higher artistic education in any EU-27 country.
- Intermediate or higher level training cycles, in centers throughout Spain, provided that they cannot be studied in Ibiza, or when they are also taught on the island, in the exceptional case that the applicant has not been able to obtain a place (it must be accredited).
Modality B: Grants to students who study official, face-to-face or semi-face-to-face studies, master's degree at any university in the EU-27 outside the island of Ibiza.
Modality C: Grants to students who study official, face-to-face, semi-face-to-face or distance studies, bachelor's and master's at any university in the EU-27 on the island of Ibiza.
-Line 2: Movement aids for students on the island of Ibiza, academic year 2021-2022:
For university studies bachelor's or master's degree studied in any university in the European Union (EU-27) during the academic year 2021-2022.
The basis of this aid are published in the electronic headquarters of the Consell de Ibiza: and on the Consell de Ibiza website: (Section “Aid and Subsidies”).
The applications can be presented in person at the Entry Registration of the Consell de Ibiza, requesting an appointment on the phone +34 971 195 906 or through the web
The application deadline is until May 19th 2022 (included).