City Council San Jose, through its Department of Commerce, organizes "Digitize your business". It is a training cycle in virtual format with which it intends to facilitate local businesses practical tools that help them position themselves and use social networks.
In the words of the Councilor for Commerce, Pilar Ribas: "master the tools provided by the information society has been discovered as a recipe for success to minimize the effects of the economic crisis that we are suffering, derived from the pandemic. So that our merchants and small businessmen cannot miss any opportunity, we need them to continue creating jobs and wealth in our municipality ”.
The cycle consists of six sessions, and the establishments of San José that participate in at least four sessions may also receive asesoramiento personalized from a team of professionals who will explain how to apply new trends in commerce and adapt to the future of the sector.
Sessions are the Monday and Thursday November XNUMXth November de 2020, always on schedule 14: 30 16 to: 30 hours.
You will find complete information and the option to enroll in this training at
Program of sessions of Digitize your business
-Monday, November 9, 2020, "How to take advantage of WhatsApp Business", by the journalist Cristina Clopes, which also advises SMEs on their digitization.
-Thursday, November 12, 2020, "How to work the presence of your business in social networks?", with the journalist specialized in information technology Anna Serrano.
-Monday, November 16, 2020, "How to make creative stories on Instagram that help you sell more", By Martha Canedo, an expert on Instagram.
-Thursday, November 19, 2020, "Contests and raffles on social networks", as a way to create a more direct relationship with followers, with Martha Canedo.
-Monday November 23, 2020, Anna Serrano explain what you need to know for create the website of a local company, what it should have and what simple options exist to create it.
-Thursday, November 26, 2020, "Mobile applications that will be useful in your business", with the expert in website creation and management Albert Moreno.