The prestigious violinist Linus Roth and the Ibiza Town Hall organize the IV Edition of the International Classical Music Festival 'Ibiza Concerts' with the support of the Consell de Ibiza.
This year they celebrate three solidarity concerts in aid of Ibiza and Formentera Against Cancer, IFCC in the Cloister of the Dominican Convent of the Ibiza Town Hall, in Dalt Vila.
Ibiza Concerts takes place from August 26 to 28, 2022. All concerts are at 21 hours.
The concert of Friday August 26 it will be a duet Linus Roth to the violin and Julien Quentin at the piano under the title of “Restart". He Saturday August 27 The session is titled “All Beethoven”, with a performance by the Schumann Quartet, Julien Quentin at the piano and Linus Roth to the violin Finally, on Sunday, August 28, 2022, the festival concludes with the concert "From Paris with love“, hand in hand with Linus Roth, Julien Quentin and Schumann Quartet.
Tickets for adults they cost 20 Euros and for those under 14 10 euros. All proceeds in full will go to the IFCC. You can buy your ticket online through this link: Ibiza Concert Tickets.